Contact & Booking Info
You are very welcome to come by the studio to meet before the shoot. It will help to calm some nerves
We can discuss styles and sets you like so we know exactly what we want to do on the day.
Of course if its too far to travel or you simply haven’t got the time, we can discuss all via email or phone.
On the day of your shoot I will have Champagne chilled but I recommend to bring something to eat as you might get hungry. Modelling is hard work .
Bring loads of clothes, shoes, accessories.. more than what you think we need, so we have the choice to see what fits best in each set.
To book your photoshoot: Please contact me to find a available date and time . I only take one booking a day so I do get booked up quickly, especially weekends.
A $500 deposit is required to book your photoshoot. In the event of cancellation the deposit paid is non-refundable. In the event of re-scheduling within 10 days of your photoshoot, the deposit paid is non-refundable. It shall be liquidated damages to the Photographer and Stylist. After the initial deposit, the remaining balance, is to be paid in full not later than on the day of the photoshoot.