Boudoir Photography Workshops

Carmen has been a photographer since 1995. Trained and Qualified in Germany. Her career started using film and darkroom and has been with the digital area from the beginning on. She is also a highly experienced digital finished artist. Take advantage of her 20+ years of experience in taking photographs and her high-end retouch skills.

All workshops are tailored one to one workshops.
Course intensity depends on your level of knowledge.

Behind the scenes $2,000

This is a total overview of a typical boudoir photo session from the gear overview, studio requirements to working with your model and stylist. You will get an idea of what a boudoir session will be for your clients from the beginning to the finished product. See this as a crash course in Boudoir Photography with lots of posing and lighting tips as well as the post processing of images with high end retouching.


– Full day including lunch and refreshments approx 10am-4pm

– Pro gear (Camera, lenses and flashes)

– Lunch and refreshments

Bring your friend for only $500 extra (max 3)

– Model with hair and make up stylist


What We Cover

Topics you can choose to know more or less about.


After our  photoshoot we concentrate on retouching. You can bring your own laptop with Adobe Suite installed to follow and practice or just watch and take notes.

  • Lightroom processing
  • Raw vs DNG, jpg
  • Colour spaces, RGB CMYK etc
  • Digital file handling and archiving
  • Photoshop high end retouching
  • Output handling
  • Design in InDesign


To run your business you need to be a business manger, customer service manager and marketer aswell as able to take a great picture.

  • File management
  • Invoices/Contract/Payments
  • Studio setup
  • Websites and Social Media
  • Product selling and production, contact and recommendations
  • How to sell yourself and more images


Specific to different body shapes, plus size, age and confidence. With 2-3 models, you will learn, on the fly, on how to pose each for the most flattering images. Including Flow posing, what to do with hands, fingers, feet etc How to deal with the client for your own photoshoots.

All of our models will have signed a model release enabling you to use the images you have taken for you own ortfolio, Instagram etc.

  • Flowposing
  • Plus size
  • Hands, fingers and feet
  • Mature clients


The basics on how to take a photo. What all the function on your camera mean and what and how to use light.

  • Photography basics
  • Camera functions and setup
  • Recognise different light sources and their implications


Here is where you get your creative juices flowing, from natural light, flash to continuous and all of the above.

  • on/off camera flash
  • Studio flash
  • Natural light
  • Mixed Lighting



How to handle new environments
with use of different light sources and mix lighting.
Locations hire is an extra fee if applicable.

  • How to handle new shooting environments.
  • Using different light sources and mixed lighting.
For more info you can head over to my dedicated Workshop site or simply send me an email and we can start the conversation.
Interested in some hands on workshops? Please email me for available dates.